15 February 2011

Music Pick of the Day

The Last song i posted was Wiz Khalifa's Black and Yellow which is now #1 on Billboard's TOP 100. This time around its Young Moola Lil' Wayne with his freestyle version of "Green and Yellow" in support for his Green Bay Packers which btw won the Super Bowl  XLV.
Green and Yellow after the jump!

Next Attraction: Movies opening this week

Last week's movies was just not that good for me to waste some time of it. This week is better and there are four good movies to look forward to. Family - Alpha and Omega 3D, Romantic Comedy - Just Go With It, Action - Unknown, and lastly Horror/Thriller - Vanishing on 7th Street.
Trailers, Posters, Reviews after the jump!

How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 16 (Desperation Day!)

Oh yeah! Its the time of the week again. HIMYM Day. Its Valentine's week and Barney Just declared Feb. 13 as "Desperation Day" and Now that Ted and Zoey are a couple, i wonder what Robin would do to get a date. As The Barnicle just said, Every Women wants a date on V-Day!
Desperation Day preview after the jump!

08 February 2011

Coming Soon: Super Bowl XLV Movie Trailers for 2011

This year is pretty exciting for movie fans, Transformers III, Thor, Capt. America, Kung Fu Panda II, and  Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Super, The Fast and The Furious 5 just to name a few of the most anticipated big name/franchise movies to be shown this year. Every year during Super Bowl, Film Companies release movie trailers for that specific event. They know everyone's watching and its a good marketing strategy. but now a days people watch the Super Bowl not just because of Football but also because of the New Trailers and New Commercials being shown. So for those who missed it (especially for us here) here are the trailers shown during SB XLV.
Thor Transforming Fast to a Panda the Captain of the Caribbean after the jump!

Music Pick of the Day

Yeah, uh huh, you know what it isBlack and yellow, black and yellow. Today's pick comes from Wiz Khalifa! and Yeah uh huh, you know what it is. Everything I do, I do it big, Yeah, uh huh, screamin' that's nothin' , When I pulled off the lot, that's stuntin'
Black and Yellow after the jump!

Pics of the week

Suuuuuuuuuper Bowl?
Pictures i have gathered last week. Sports edition. enjoy!

How I Met Your Mother Season 6 Episode 15 (Oh Honey!)

My favorite TV show is back after two weeks of re-runs. This week they will have Katy Perry on the show playing as a wide-eyed, sweet-voiced, gorgeous airhead. Barney is all over her from the get-go. And so is Ted.
Preview after the jump!

04 February 2011

iPhone 4: Pay Your Starbucks Coffee Using Your iPhone

Found this interesting article but too tired to blog about it. so i'll just copy paste the entire article.
Your Starbucks Bill after the jump!

iPhone 4: "TV Hat" Gives You Personal Theater (popcorns not included)

Would you sacrifice fashion for a Personal Theater? hmm.. This is a tough one. If you are willing then this is for you. Introducing the TV Hat! 

"TV Hat is a special hat with a long visor, sun visors and a chamber for iPhone and touch with a magnifying glass. Just wear it so you have our personal cinema on the beach, on the plane or wherever we are."

More details on how to look cool/moron after the jump!

03 February 2011

Music Pick of the Day

Throwback Thursday once again and for today we have something from Coldplay. This song "Yellow" was their second mainstream single and they right away achieved world wide fame and from then on, they became a regular hit maker in the alternative rock scene.
Turning Yellow after the jump!

02 February 2011

Top 10: Ways To Successfully Approach A Beautiful Woman

Second Askmen.com Top 10 post for this week. Men's guide to approaching pretty women successfully! now this one i need to emulate.. haha.. Guys thank me later, for now just read the article!
Success after the jump!

Top 10: Proven Traits Men Desire In Women

Another week another Askmen.com Top 10 post. Last week i posted Top 10: Traits Attractive Women Look For In A Man now its the other way around. Guys turn to agree/disagree.
Top 10 starts after the jump!

Music Pick of the Day

Today's pick comes from Mr. John Legend! Damn this guy is one of the best out there. Hits after hits under his name. He recently collaborated with the group "The Roots" and i must say that the album is pretty solid. Their second single "Hard Times" is one of fave out of the album "Wake Up" and i guess it will soon be yours also when you get to listen to it.
Hard Times after the jump!

01 February 2011

LeBron James admits that He's GAY!

Here's another parody of LeQueen's Nike Commercial and "The Decision".
Video after the jump!

Music Pick of the Day

Today's pick comes from Nelly and Kelly Rowland. Remember "Dilemma", Well who would have thought that there would be a "Dilemma Pt. 2"? I know people might be raving or maybe disappointed with this release but apparently, Nelly changed the title to "Gone" for the fear of not living up to the original "Dilemma". Dilemma did really well during its released on 2002 and is considered 11th successful song for 2000-09. So maybe Nelly and Co. realized it's too much pressure for "Gone". So far its not yet part of the billboard countdown but the song is really nice, personally i don't see it getting the recognition given to the original but still, the song is really likable.
Nelly and Kelly's Second Dilemma after the Jump!