01 February 2011

Music Pick of the Day

Today's pick comes from Nelly and Kelly Rowland. Remember "Dilemma", Well who would have thought that there would be a "Dilemma Pt. 2"? I know people might be raving or maybe disappointed with this release but apparently, Nelly changed the title to "Gone" for the fear of not living up to the original "Dilemma". Dilemma did really well during its released on 2002 and is considered 11th successful song for 2000-09. So maybe Nelly and Co. realized it's too much pressure for "Gone". So far its not yet part of the billboard countdown but the song is really nice, personally i don't see it getting the recognition given to the original but still, the song is really likable.
Nelly and Kelly's Second Dilemma after the Jump!

Will change the video once the Official Music Video comes out =D

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