17 January 2011

Video Games in Tokyo Urinals Makes Me Wanna PEE!

Remember SEGA? Sonic the Hedgehog? i do. Sega was once known as a front runner in the gaming console industry, way before the playstation and xbox. currently they shifted to manufacturing games instead of making the console. There are also reports that they're joining the online casino industry. Their latest business venture? its called "Toylets". Mini games in men's urinals. Let me repeat that MINI GAMES in Men's URINALS.

More Pees after the jump!

Sega has installed "Toylets" in four locations in Japan including Akihabara, Soga andIkebukuro. There are four games to choose from the LCD screen mounted on the wall above. Each urinal is installed with a pressure sensor. “Mannekin Pis,” it measures how hard you pee, “Graffiti Eraser,” by the name itself, you erase paints on the wall using your "hose", “The Northern Wind, The Sun and Me,” this is where you try to blow a girl's skirt, the more you pee the harder the wind blows the higher the skirt goes, and lastly “Battle! Milk From Nose” a multiplayer game (no! you would not play at the same time cause the would be weird). You compete against the last person who used the urinal. The strength of your urine streams are compared and translated into milk spraying out of your nose. If your pee is stronger then your "milk stream" coming out of your nose will knock your opponent out of the ring. The BEST part of this is there's a USB stick where you can download and save your score(and maybe post it on facebook?). If ever you're in Japan while reading this, then what are you waiting for. Try this out and "play" them urinal games.